The Crick Intranet has been set up to provide a platform for information sharing, communication and engagement between the Crick and its partners.

In addition to the general provisions set out in the charter, to protect the interests of the Institutes and your colleagues your use of the Intranet is expected to be:


Any publication of copyrighted material including, but not limited to, digitisation and distribution of photographs from magazines, books or other copyrighted media must be authorised.

You must ensure through legal or technical means that proprietary and personal information is protected in accordance with the Data Protection Standard and according to the Crick’s Data Protection Policy. In particular, the use of patient identifiable data is strictly controlled and as such is never suitable for publication on the Crick Intranet.


You will maintain the reputation of the Crick by ensuring that you do not publish or circulate material on the intranet that would bring the Institute into disrepute.

You will ensure to the best of your ability that any material which you publish on the intranet is correct and that authorship is correctly attributed.

You must ensure to the best of your ability that any material which you post on the Intranet is free of viruses or other risks. If you become aware that such material has been inadvertently introduced to the Intranet, you will advise the ICT Service Desk as soon as possible.


Your use of the intranet should be reasonable in terms of the impact on resources and your own time.

In particular, you must be aware of the size of any files which are being uploaded to the intranet. Should you have the need to upload particularly large files, which might cause a performance impact on either the intranet site or the associated network, advice should be sought from ICT and Comms about the best approach to take to this.

You must obtain agreement from Comms and ICT before posting links on the intranet to resource intensive Internet sites (e.g. video streaming).


Contributors to the Crick Intranet, whether this is through formal posting of material, or in on-line discussions, must be mindful of the impact of their published material on the audience.

In particular, it is not acceptable to use the Intranet to publish material which will bully, harass, intimidate or otherwise cause alarm or distress to others.

Creating, storing or transmitting defamatory or obscene material is also prohibited, unless there is a genuine academic reason for its publication, in which case prior permission should be obtained from the Intranet Committee.

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